Wow! We had the best time at the Social Enterprise Summit Expo last night! There were so many amazing companies and nonprofits there with some amazing products and ideas. The people who were stopping by were so amazing because they already "got" what we are trying to do. They were friendly and encouraging. But, my favorite part is when people come by and say, "I know someone you need to talk to". I love that. I love finding people whom I never would have been able to know about if that one person hadn't thought "Hey, I know someone and you can help each other!"
I was amazed at how far some people came to attend this event. There were lots of people from LA, San Fransisco, Boston, Chicago and many from around Colorado.
And, one of the best parts is that we sold a TON of shirts. In fact, we sold so many, that we ran out of some sizes. I look forward to doing all the calculations to get our new numbers and get some more BraveHoods out the door.
Thank you to Ericka at Hope Tank for recommending us for this event. And thank you so much to all that stopped by to buy a shirt or just find out more about us. I truly appreciate it.
More BraveHoods to more brave kids!
PS- the sunset is from my drive home after the Summit. The perfect ending to a great day.